Zach & Catharine kinsman
Lead Pastor
Both Zach and Catharine felt God's calling to ministry from a young age, and after serving as a youth pastor for 7 years, God led them to start New Heights in Newtown in April of 2022. Zach is the senior pastor, and Catharine leads the music ministry.
Brandon & Brittany Capelo
Student Pastor
Brandon and Brittany were an integral part of the church planting process of New Heights. Brandon and Brittany oversee our student ministries, including classes and events for our teens and young adults. Brittany also helps with day-to-day operations and our nursery.

Mark & marianne kinsman
Addiction Ministry Director
Mark oversees and runs Anchored to the Cross, our faith-based addiction program, and Marianne leads our Hospitality Team.
kyle & charis capelo
Children's Pastor
Together Kyle and Charis lead our children's church every Sunday, as well as all events for our kids throughout the year. Charis is also our church photographer.
nick & megan maloney
Head of Audio/Visual
Nick leads our A/V and media department, and Megan oversees our nursery ministry.